A cross-divisional team of faculty, staff, and administrators spent the past few months working diligently to put Calvin in the best position possible to bring students, faculty, and staff safely back to campus this fall. Four working groups of the Safe Return Team (Instruction and the Classroom, Lab, and Studio; Health Maintenance; The Employee Experience; Campus Experience, Alumni, and External Communities) spent the summer digging into details and planning for multiple scenarios for the fall semester.
Each group brought forth recommendations to the Safe Return Team for how to operate the many facets of a residential living and learning environment in the context of the current and changing landscape. The teams’ recommendations adhere to guidance outlined by local and state health officials and are being updated (as needed) to remain compliant with the latest health advice.
The Safe Return Team also developed a Safe Return playbook, which outlines guidance for faculty, staff, students, and guests. To stay updated on the status of traditional fall events, how Calvin is adapting throughout the fall semester, and how the Safe Return Team is preparing for interim and spring semester, visit calvin.edu/safe-return.
Campus News