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Pre-Law Day at Calvin

  • Monday, October 8, 2018
  • 10:30 AM–6:00 PM
  • Prince Conference Center on Calvin Campus
  • FREE

Calvin's second biennial Pre-Law Day will include a full-day of sessions, opportunities to meet with reps from law schools, and networking.

Calvin's Pre-Law Program is sponsoring our second free Pre-Law Day in October, 2018. The day will include panels of attorneys who talk about reasons for choosing a law career and what their work days are like, as well as law school representatives who will share techniques for preparing a law school application and details about how law schools look at applications. During the lunch and breaks, we will have a law school recruiting fair with approximately 10 law school admissions representatives talking with students. Breaks and lunch are included in the event, which is being offered at no-charge to undergraduate students. Participants must register in advance through Eventbrite. (Registration opens August 8, 2018)


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October 2018
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