- Friday, December 1, 2017
- 3:30 PM–5:00 PM
- Science Building Classroom 110
Speaker: Clay Carlson, Associate Professor of Biology, Trinity Christian College
Christians who confront what genomic science and evolution are telling us about human origins face the same existential crisis that has disturbed Christians for 2000 years - the veracity of truth learned from studying the world that seems at first to contradict scripture. The Patristics, the ancient Church Fathers who wrote during the first centuries of Christianity, faced similar struggles as they wrestled with their understanding of how the world seemed to function, Platonism, and the claims of scripture. Today we can learn from their examples and, with reverence and humility, interpret genomic science of human origins through the lens of the biblical narrative. Even as we are persuaded to modify dearly held interpretations of scripture, we can be comforted by scientific observations that seem to be letters to make us ponder the invisible things of God.