- Thursday, December 3, 2015
- 3:30 PM–6:00 PM
- Chapel Sanctuary
Our hearts break with news of massacres in Paris and Beirut. We are inundated with stories of terror, violence, and hatred around the world. Refugees from Syria and other war-torn countries are desperate to find safe haven, while America and other nations struggle with how to respond. What's happening and how did we get here? And what can we do about it? We invite you to join us for a "teach in" -- a time of teaching, learning, and discussion:
ISIS, Terrorism & Refugees: A Teach In
Thursday, December 3, 3:30-6 PM in the Chapel
Calvin faculty will give brief talks offering their expertise in response to the recent terrorist attacks, the threat of ISIS, and the refugee crisis. They will then form a panel to take questions and lead a discussion. Calvin students, faculty, staff and the wider community are invited to attend. This is a "teach in" rather than a formal lecture; attendees may come and go as they are able, and are warmly invited to ask questions and raise their concerns.
Topics include:
Bert de Vries (History & Archaeology): The Refugee Crisis in the Middle East Doug Howard (History): ISIS and Regional Politics
Jason VanHorn (Geography): Mapping Terrorism
Frans van Liere (History & Medieval Studies): Is Islam a Violent Religion?
Sponsored by History, Medieval Studies, and the Middle East Club.