- Friday, January 11, 2002
- 12:30 PM–1:30 PM
- Covenant Fine Arts Center Auditorium
N.T. Wright discusses "Freedom and Framework, Spirit and Truth: Recovering Biblical Worship."
Biblically correct worship—is there such a thing? Hear the answer from world-renown theologian N.T. Wright. Wright is Canon Theologian of Westminster Abbey and was formerly dean of Lichfield Cathedral. A prolific author, Wright is recognized for his work on the historical Christ, which includes the 700-page volume Jesus and the Victory of God. Wright will broach the subject of glorifying God through our worship. He will discuss the trend from structured liturgical to free-flowing worship and help determine if this is biblical. Are there biblical guidelines for worship? Is the fashion for rock-group-style worship a pure gift from God or a capitulation to the spirit of the age? Wright will lead us on spiritual journey regarding how to best glorify God and reflect His image in the world through worship.