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CALL Noontime Lecture

I Was in Prison and You Visited Me

I Was in Prison and You Visited Me

Often hidden and not talked about, the prisoner is forgotten by society. We assume once a person is convicted, sentenced, and incarcerated, that the problem is taken care of. Yet the story of the prisoner does not, nor should not, end there. The story of the prisoner has profound effects in our community and within our families. Jesus says that when we visit the prisoner, we visit Him. If this is true, shouldn’t we be lining up and pounding on the prison doors to let us in? Yet often, we as the Church are silent in speaking into the punishment, refinement, and restoration of the prisoner. This talk will cover the scope of incarceration and what our role as the church is within this.

Presented by Douglas Cupery, Church Mobilization Director for Crossroads Prison Ministries

February 2019
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