- Wednesday, April 2, 2008
- 12:00 PM–1:47 PM
- Meeter Center
In the spring of 2008, Karin Maag gave a presentation on the results of the Meeter Center's NEH sponsored summer seminar entitled "Teaching the Reformation in a Pluralist Age. As the diversity among students and faculty at colleges and universities across the US increases, topics that may have been taught confessionally in the past now present new challenges. Furthermore, with more and more institutions shifting their survey courses from Western Civilization to the West and the World, or World History classes, the connections between class sessions on the Reformation and the broader narrative have sometimes been weakened. So how should we teach the Reformation in today's undergraduate classrooms? Karin Maag highlighted the questions that shaped the proposal and the institute and provide insights into the pedagogical and content-driven discussions that took place among the twenty teaching faculty participants and presenters from a range of US colleges and universities.