NOAA Sea Grant - The Maryland Sea Grant Program
Basic information
- Organization: Sea Grant Maryland
- Department(s):
- Duration: 12 weeks
- Paid? yes
Each summer, the Maryland Sea Grant Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program offers fourteen students the opportunity to conduct marine research on the Chesapeake Bay. The program is especially designed for students majoring in such fields as biology, chemistry, ecology, environmental science, engineering, physics, marine science and mathematics. During the 12-week program, each student works with a mentor on an individual research project at one of two marine labs at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences located on the Chesapeake Bay.
Research areas include:
- Estuarine processes
- Benthic environment
- Physical oceanography
- Contaminants
- Fisheries
- Molecular biology and genetics
- Environmental chemistry
- Submerged aquatic vegetation
- Modeling and analysis
- Coastal observing systems
Each REU fellow will receive a stipend of $6,000, housing costs and round-trip travel expenses.
Interested students are required to submit an application form, personal statement, resume, unofficial or official transcripts, a list of courses in progress, and two letters of recommendation.
Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and have completed at least two years of study towards (but not yet completed) a bachelor's degree. Preference is given to students who are rising seniors. Students from underrepresented groups and institutions with limited research opportunities are especially encouraged to apply.
Questions / contact
- Name: Dr. Michael Allen
- Email:
- Phone: (616) (301) 405-7500
- Link: Internship webpage