Roosevelt Park Ministries Childcare Intern

Basic information

  • Organization: Roosevelt Park Ministries
  • Department(s):
  • Field(s): Spanish, Education
  • Duration: Available Summer-Fall 2019/Winter, Spring, Summer 2020
  • Paid? No

Provide childcare while parents participate in the English as a Second Language Program.

Provide childcare while parents participate in the English as a Second Language Program. The two programs that need childcare are Monday-Thursday, 9:30 am - 11:30 am, and or two to three evenings per week from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. The internship requires 8-10 hours per week for 12-15 weeks, and days and hours can be negotiated. The internship is unpaid.


  1. Responsible for 4-10 children during the ESL classes
  2. Oversee parent drop-off forms
  3. Communicate directly with the volunteer teachers or director
  4. Organize childcare room


  1. Bilingual Spanish/English skills preferred, but not required
  2. Strong listening, relationship skills with a history of treating people with dignity and respect
  3. Interest in Education preferred

About us:

Roosevelt Park Ministries provides Christ-centered, holistic support to individuals and families living in and around the Roosevelt Park area.  RPM bridges a community in need by promoting the development of strong families and community leaders, fostering an environment that celebrates inclusion, and providing opportunities to build strong economic bases.  RPM was established through an initiative of deacons of Roosevelt Park Community CRC in partnership with the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (World Renew) and is based on the Christian Community Development model developed by Dr. John Perkins. Incorporated in 1996, RPM is a separate non-profit organization responsible for its own program development and funding.

For more information about our organization, visit


Please send cover letter, resume, and a copy of your background check to: 


  • Course code:
  • Credits:
  • Semester:
  • Department: