Poetry and Dialogism

Poetry and Dialogism

Basic information

  • Author(s):
  • Published: August 5, 2014
  • Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Page count: 224
  • ISBN: 1137401273

Poetry and Dialogism

Although common conceptions of poetry assume a voice that is solitary, personal, or authoritative - a monologue that readers can only overhear and accede to - this volume presupposes that poetry may be dialogic.

The essays posit various foundations, gradations, and practices of poetic dialogism; theorize a diverse scope and purpose of dialogic poetry, from secluded prayer to political activism; and examine subgenres of poetry as well as discourses from the Bible to Amos 'n' Andy. In doing so, they contribute to the field of ethics and literature as well, insisting that poetry may be even profoundly oriented toward an Other, whether that dialogism is traceable in speech acts; in differentiated consciousnesses, ideologies, discourses, languages, or allusions; in the rhythm, intonation, or formal devices that encode such exchange; or in the production or reception of the poem. What does dialogic poetry look like - or is it the poetry we've known all along?


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