Faculty Profile: Susan Felch
She knows what it is to have a lantern. “In Papua New Guinea,” Susan Felch said, “when the lights went out, and there were only the stars, you had a little hurricane lamp, and it only showed you the next right step.” September 12,2008 -
Meeter Center hosts institute for high school teachers
In 16th-century France, Protestants and Catholics living in the same village wrestled with questions like the following: what if your Protestant grandson wants to marry a Catholic girl? High school teachers will have the opportunity to wrestle with these and other related questions via “Making Sense of the Reformation.” September 1,2008 -
Faculty Profile: Tom Hoeksema
Calvin highlight's Professor Tom Hoeksema's life and career at Calvin as a graduate from the education program and the groundwork he laid for the special education program. August 29,2008 -
Rare asteroid finally gets a name
Calvin student Josh Vanderhill and Professor Larry Molnar discovered an asteroid and had the opportunity to name it. August 28,2008 -
Christian Psychology online
A psychology professor and a counselor co-author a book on the integration of faith and the teaching of psychology. August 18,2008 -
Keeping Asia at the forefront
When Calvin College established an Asian Studies minor in 2001, professor of history Dan Bays, an Asia specialist, said simply: “Ignorance of Asia is not an option for the 21st century." August 15,2008 -
To China—with the help of a Gilman
Cottingham, an information systems major and Chinese language minor, recently landed a $4,500 scholarship from the Benjamin A. Gilman Foundation to fund his China studies August 15,2008 -
Faculty Profile: Ruth Groenhout
A closer look at professor of philosophy Ruth Groenhout. August 15,2008 -
Halteman's journey extends to Oxford
As a fellow of the Oxford enterprise, Halteman hopes to continue raising awareness about farm animals, particularly those raised in factory farm settings. August 8,2008 -
Professor emeritus Edward Ericson, Jr. reflects on Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
In 1983, Solzhenitsyn collaborated with Ericson on an abridgment of “The Gulag Archipelago,” a partnership that allowed the Calvin professor to stay with the author at his Vermont home. Ericson is currently editing a collection of Solzhenitsyn essays, which will soon be translated into Russian. August 5,2008