Enma Gloria Leiva Caballero ’22 is a graduate of Calvin University School of Business working as a marketing administrator for Stucchi USA.

How did your life path lead to Calvin University?

My journey to Calvin University began in Honduras, my home country, where, from a young age, I aspired to attend a college in the United States. With determination, I pursued academic excellence throughout my education. My mother made the biggest sacrifice, enrolling me in a bilingual school and fostering the foundation for achieving my dream.

During my junior year, I met some Calvin alumni who served as teachers at my high school in Honduras. They became incredible role models who guided my faith, personal growth, and academic success. Additionally, they encouraged me to consider Calvin University as a potential path for my future studies.

As a senior, I received the life-changing news that one of my teachers and her family would sponsor my education at Calvin. These blessings—God's providence, my mother's sacrifice, and the unwavering support I received from my family and friends—paved the way for me to pursue my bachelor's degree in marketing at Calvin. I am grateful for these remarkable individuals, their families, and the opportunities they made possible.

What was a challenge you faced while at Calvin?

The initial weeks at Calvin were marked by a mix of emotions. The constant use of English in academic and social settings felt strange and tiring. Feeling homesick for the first time and navigating the expectations of each class gave me a sense of uncertainty. However, after a period of adjustment, I discovered that these anxieties were not exclusive to me. The International Student Association Committee, a haven for students with similar experiences, provided crucial support for so many people. There, I encountered invaluable guidance and encouragement to embrace my cultural heritage while appreciating the diversity of the Calvin community.

What classes, professors or campus life experiences had the greatest impact on your personal development?

The entirety of my academic experience at Calvin profoundly impacted me. Opportunities such as the study abroad program in the United Kingdom, the Big Sky Geology short-term off-campus class in Montana, and the January interim course on "Black Girl Magic" within the African Diasporas curriculum broadened my understanding of Christian life from multifaceted angles.

Beyond the classroom, my leadership roles as president of the International Student Association Committee and vice president of the Latin American Student Association significantly contributed to my personal development. These positions not only gave me valuable connections with diverse individuals and provided a platform to hear their stories but also helped my networking opportunities with individuals outside the Calvin community.

How did Calvin prepare you to start your career?

My experiences at Calvin proved to be instrumental in my current role as a marketing administrator for the manufacturing firm, Stucchi USA, from understanding various aspects of marketing operations to developing essential teamwork skills. My Calvin studies also fostered the intellectual curiosity that led me to pursue an MBA while working full time.

Calvin is a liberal arts school designed for students to take a broad range of courses. Doing that gave me a solid foundation in marketing principles and so much more. My professors also made themselves available and accessible to students. Professor Jill Risner’s Intro to Business class shaped the major I chose, while Professor Tom Betts led my semester abroad in the United Kingdom and guided us through the unforeseen circumstances of COVID-19.

Finally, active participation in co-curricular activities such as Calvin Startups (now Calvin Startup Garage) and Women’s Business Network provided practical insights into the realities of the workforce. 

How was your faith strengthened through your college years?

I encountered numerous challenges. These experiences served as powerful reminders of God's purpose in my life, even when far from home and family. The Christian life is not a path of ease but one that requires constant dedication and growth.

I also learned how faith goes beyond personal benefit: I strongly believe it should inspire us to serve our neighbors, even when confronted with opposing viewpoints. This realization nurtured my self-acceptance and the ability to maintain convictions while respecting the beliefs of others.

What advice would you give your high school self today?

Take comfort in knowing that your dedication and hard work are already making impressive results. Remember, every sacrifice you make today will have a future reward. Beyond academic success, have a deeper trust in God's plan for your life. Even when you doubt your own worthiness, remember that God sees your heart and has chosen you for a specific purpose. And do not underestimate the importance of getting to know yourself. Spend time exploring your passions and goals—those unrelated to academics or career aspirations. Understanding who you are is so important when navigating your future path.