Improve your study skills with our assistance. We provide many forms of academic help, but studying begins with you. Check out some of these resources about self-management and learning, two areas essential to your academic success.



  • Motivation is the force behind all learning.  Without motivation, you may dread going to class, procrastinate, or your mind may wander during homework.  Try setting goals or learning more about your mindset in order to boost your motivation. 


  • Learning takes time, but you have to make time by blocking out your weekly schedule and finding the best times to study. Use a planner to keep track of daily tasks and activities. Write detailed to-do lists to keep yourself on track in accomplishing your goals. 



  • Sleep aids learning. Shoot for 8 hours, although some people need a bit more or less. When you exercise, proteins and hormones are created and released which boost learning power and memory. Eating well is important for learning, and affects sleeping and exercise habits too.


Learning skills


  • Remember, you should MAKE notes, not take notes. notes are most helpful when they involve active listening, and you return to them on a regular basis. Make sure to engage with your notes when reviewing by asking questions, speaking aloud, reorganizing, and discussing with classmates.


Test taking